Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More Santo Domingo Photos

Ok so here are some more of my favorite pics from our week of building in Santo Domingo. Below, the sign that hanging on the house I helped to build.

To the right is Diego, the youngest of Reymundo´s kids. I think this was his first experience with an ipod:-)!

On the left is the house that the other half of the group worked on. The primary difference between the houses was that this one has a cement brick ceiling.

This is Hugo (far left), soon to be the new Habitat for Humanity Ecuador Director, with Reymundo, two of his children, and the "Padre", a polish priest from the local church who blessed the house and the family at the house dedication.

This is Andrea and her baby (Reymundo´s grandchild). I took this picture because it was sooooo different to have young children on the worksite for me, but here it was not weird at all! The kids accompany their father where he builds frequently (as do other children with their fathers).

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